Do you need ‘Art Deco’ or Antique French
Furniture, Electrical items, Clocks,
or general stuff to sell in UK?
We have the answer!
We arrange Transport for you and your
purchases, return Ferry to France
we can visit a local for super evening meal
restaurant )
During your trip we will arrange for you to visit
several Brocantes/Vide Greniers each day. On selected dates we visit the famous
Antiques Trade Fair at Le Mans and Chartres
Normandy has a number of good quality
Brocantes, or Depot Vents where you will be able to search out and find bargains
that best suit your needs. (at weekend there are Vide Greniers - Car Boot Sales.)
Our present schedule is 2 x overnight crossings to Normandy and a full day of exploring and buying. Cost £160
(this includes reserved reclining seats on the ferry; cabins are extra)
For future any trips to France you may wish
to make independently, we can offer a discount voucher for Brittany Ferry Saving
up to 30%
To book or for further details
please contact: Tony Fensome using our contact form on our home page or 07766335267,
[email protected]